Friday, February 18, 2011

The Very Ocassional Blogger

I can hardly believe that another year has passed and I'm still not back in business!
It's not that I've had nothing to post about this past year - just no exciting craft nest developments! I have a tendency to take on way more than I can handle, and this last year was no exception. I trained and competed in a Half Ironman in 2010, started a LPN program by distance delivery, and began the home-schooling journey with my son, while my baby girl headed off to Kindergarten.

It wasn't until recently at a scrap-booking day with local friends, that I confessed to feeling absolutely guilty about spending time crafting, when there are a million other (more important?)things demanding my time. My friend H, reminded me that we need to take time to do things we enjoy and shouldn't feel guilty if it makes us happier, healthier and better-equipped to face everything else. That's all the encouragement I needed ...

I came home that night and stayed up until the quilt I was working on was pieced:

The next day I worked on this:

and this (strip-piecing for table runners):

And a few days later sat down and finished piecing this:

(it should have been easy to square, but it wasn't!!)

I started re-visiting blogs from the past ... and got the quilt-along bug ... which one to do first?

When I heard Melissa was hosting a quilt along I knew I HAD to join. I ordered a bunch of pre-cuts from this lovely shop
during their fabshop web shopper appreciation days, but I just couldn't wait for that to arrive to get started ... so yesterday I scraped up 2 Frolic charm packs and some coordinates from my stash and got started on the 16 patch blocks.

Now I have an ever-growing pile of UFO's! I am so tempted to mail a few of the bigger quilts to
Matt, so he can work his longarm magic ... but what I really need to do is tackle machine quilting them myself. My free motion is ugly fugly - can only hope it will get better soon?

What's left to do in my craft room? I NEED a design wall - still debating which way to go ...
portable boards or fixed and framed like art ?
The doors need to be hung on my Kijiji china cabinet ... after I organize my fabric using this fabric folding tutorial.

Then there's shelves to hang ... I basically need hubby home for a day and willing to help ... hmmm I wonder if that will happen??

So glad the days are getting longer ... marathon training is stealing many precious hours, but I am committed to spending some time in my basement being creative ...

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